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- Acute respiratory infection – symptomatic self-medication in adults
PharmDr. Bc. Hana Kotolová, Ph.D., PharmDr. Tomáš Hammer
(4/2021, Review articles ) - Nutraceuticals in obesity management as part of cardiovascular rehabilitation
MUDr. Ivan Varga, PhD.
(5/2021, Review articles )
- Pharmacotherapeutic management of cough: using phytopharmaceuticals and other substances of natural origin in the treatment of cough in children
PharmDr. MVDr. Vilma Vranová, Ph.D., PharmDr. Karel Vašut, Ph.D.
(1/2022, Review articles )
- The actual pharmacotherapy benign hyperplasia according to EAU Guidelines
MUDr. Aleš Horák
(3/2021, Review articles ) - Biofilm and phytopharmaceuticals
PharmDr. MVDr. Vilma Vranová, Ph.D.
(1/2020, Review articles ) - The importance of phytopharmaceuticals in treating chronic prostatitis
PharmDr. MVDr. Vilma Vranová, Ph.D.
(2/2019, Review articles )
- Current possibilities of benign prostatic hyperplasia therapy part II.
doc. RNDr. Magdaléna Fulmeková, CSc., PharmDr. Lucia Masaryková, PharmDr. Ľubica Lehocká, PhD.
(4/2012, Current pharmacotherapy ) - Biofilm and phytopharmaceuticals
PharmDr. MVDr. Vilma Vranová, Ph.D.
(1/2021, Phytotherapy ) - Using phytopharmaceuticals in the management of chronic stress
Vilma Vranová, Lenka Smejkalová
(3/2022, Phytotherapy ) - Treatment of stomach- intestinal problems with phytopharmaceuticals
PharmDr. Ivana Šušaníková, PhD.
(4/2019, Current pharmacotherapy ) - The pharmacist’s role in treating functional gastrointestinal disorders with a focus on the use of herbal remedies
PharmDr. MVDr. Vilma Vranová, Ph.D., Mgr. Jana Šopíková, Ph.D.
(3/2024, Phytotherapy ) - Phytopharmaceuticals and immunity
MUDr. Petra Čamborová, Ph.D.
(3/2020, Phytotherapy )