Pediatria pre prax 1/2024

Nutrition of moderately and late preterm infants

Infants born before 37 weeks of gestation have different nutritional requirements from term infants. It is important to start the enteral nutrition early after birth, gradually increase the amounts, monitor glycemia, supplement nutrients (by breast milk fortification or preterm formula milk) and support sucking and breastfeeding appropriately to their age. Nutritional care of preterm infants aims at supporting extrauterine growth and body composition approaching the model of normal intrauterine growth of fetus of the same gestational age. The quality and quantity of nutrition during early life has been recognized as a key determinant for health outcomes, neurodevelopment and disease risks in later life. This review focuses on nutritional practice in stable moderately and late preterm infants.

Keywords: preterm infant, low birth weight infant, enteral nutrition, development of sucking