Pediatria pre prax 2/2020

Short bowel syndrome in pediatric patients

Short bowel syndrome (SBS) has been a serious long-lasting clinical problem for years with fatal outcomes for patients. Surgical resection of large portion of gastrointestinal tract results in reduced function of gut mass, which is accompanied by malabsorption with subsequent chronic diarrhoea, water-electrolytes imbalance and malnutrition. Pediatric patients are dependent on long-term parenteral nutrition. However, SBS that requires long-term parenteral nutrition, which is provided by venous catheters, may be associated with various life threating complications. Recent advances and development of effective technique of home parenteral nutrition in last decades result in succeeded elongation of living, improved children´s quality of live with short bowel syndrome and better outcomes for these patients.

Keywords: short bowel syndrome, parenteral nutrition, central venous catheter