Pediatria pre prax 3/2019

Constipation in children – part II: Treatmen

Constipation is a common problem in children and adults in the civilized world. It may occur at any age, either as a symptom of various diseases or even in healthy subjects. It is one of the most common medical concerns paediatricians and paediatric gastroenterologists are faced with. It is necessary to differentiate between symptomatic constipation that accompanies other diseases from functional constipation without any organic cause. Functional constipation is most common in childhood and is related to lifestyle change, nutrition and lack of physical activity. It poses a significant health burden and affects the quality of life negatively. Careful medical history, clinical status assessment, physical findings and results of basic laboratory examinations are mandatory in the initial diagnostic assessment. In case no symptoms and warning signs of symptomatic constipation can be identified, a set of therapeutic recommendations can be issued.

Keywords: functional constipation, symptomatic constipation, encopresis, childhood, diagnosis, treatment