Onkológia 2/2010

Hereditary breast ovarian cancer: molecular-genetic analysis of BRCA genes

Breast and ovarian tumours are the most frequent malignancies among female population worldwide and with its implications significantly interfere with their lives and lives of their relatives. Simultaneously, high incidence and mortality of brest/ovarian cancer represent an important social and public problem. According to published data 5 – 10 % of all breast/ovarian cancer cases are generated as consequence of the inherited mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. Identification of pathogenic mutations in genes associated with hereditary breast/ovarian cancer revealed the phenomenon of heritability as one of the most serious risk factors, which increases by multifold the risk of tumour formation.

Keywords: hereditary breast ovarian cancer, BRCA1 gene, BRCA2 gene, pathogenic mutation, molecular-genetic analysis.