Neurológia pre prax 6/2017

Differential diagnostics of spinal cord disorders

Signs and symptoms of spinal cord disorders, spinal syndromes according to the longitudinal a transversde levels are sufficiently known. But to establish a quick and purposeful process with a quite broad differential diagnostics and to determine the way to a correct diagnosis, this may be a considerable problém. Nowadays, in the diagnostics of spinal cord disorders the leading role belongs to MRI, followed by electrophysiology, liquorology, dynamics of the disorder. The particular disorders are possible to divide accor according to longitudinal localization (from cervicocranial junction to caud equina) or to localize on the cross-sectio (funicular or horn lesions). The authors presented two typical spinal cord diagnosis, which come often into differencial diagnosis – transverse myelitis and cervical spondylogennic myelopathy.

Keywords: spinal cord, longitudinal localization, spinal syndromes, magnetic resonance, transverse myelitis, cervical spondyogennic myelopathy