Anestéziológia a intenzívna medicína 2/2023

F 0.1 (Flow in 1d.00 msec.) as a parameter of ventilation drive during ventilation support

In this model study, authors describe F0.1 (gas flow through the respiratory circuit during the first 100 msec of inspiration) as a predictor of weaning from mechanical ventilation in patients in supported modes of ventilation. Authors are using real, measured data that have been processed into a model situation in the adult patient. They suggested values of F0.1 up to 4 l/min are insufficient for weaning due to insufficient inspiratory drive. With values of 5-22 l/min, the inspiratory drive seems to be safe for both, weaning and also potential lung damage. Patients with F0.1values above 22 l/min are at risk of weaning failure, and values above 30 l/min have the potential to cause lung damage in terms of patient self-inflicted lung injury (P-SILI). Continuous monitoring of F0.1 allows real-time evaluation of the interaction between the patient and the ventilator during supported modes of ventilation. Based on that, correction of the deficiencies on the ventilator side are possible. From the patient’s perspective, this means fundamental changes in treatment (deepening or weaning of sedation, improved airway sanitation, etc.) to avoid P-SILI.

Keywords: UVP, weaning, mathematical model for monitoring weaning parameters